Searching for CoodClip
By Toby Allen
Monday, March 03, 2003
(Now available to download - See Update)
We all have one or two programs that we use daily on our machines. Bits of software, either commercial, shareware or free that we just cant do our work without. I've got to the point where I carry these around on my USB hard disk, so if I need to work on anyone elses machine, I can do a quick install. The main ones on my list are.
- Textpad (Which if you've never tried do - download it or get it on PCPRO disk (uk))
- CoodClip Lite
My problem comes with CoodClip. It is a clipboard management program. It is (like textpad) no more complicated than necessary to do the task. It saves everything you copy to the clipboard for later reference, these items can be saved from session to session. So I can cut, cut, cut with wild abandon and not have to worry about overwriting the last thing on my clipboard. This program for me is not just a nice to have but is fundamental to my efficient working with a computer. You give it a short cut (I use CTRL-| ) and anywhere in any program you press the short cut and it gives you a list of items on your clipboard (up to last 200 items) you select an item and paste it into the application.
It works!
Every now and again (like once every couple of months - I use it all day every day) it crashes but in a funny way I find it comforting, because it reminds me that it is there and also that it is not being developed. This my problem. CoodClip Lite (as I have) was written by Lugetsky Dmitry presumably Russian as his email address has a .ru extension. I use the past tense because he's disappeared. His website no longer exists, neither does his email, most of the download pages you find on the internet point to his now nonexistant website for download. I have my own copy which I gaurd jealously.
In the early days when I'd been using it for a few months and began to find it indespensible, I tried to register it, give him a bit of cash and continue his fine work (it was all of $8 to register). But I couldnt any time I went to the shareware registration company he was using something would go wrong ( I felt bad not having a registered copy of something I used every day - so I tried 3 times (I even emailed him to offer him money), then gave up).
I've tried other clipboard utilities, but their all too complicated, Coodclip does what I want an no more.
If anyone wants a copy email me I'm sure I could put it up as a download, but its not mine and so I'm not sure.
Where is Lugetsky Dmitry?
Does anyone know where Lugetsky Dmitry is? If he is still out there in internet land, and needs somewhere to put his fine software please contact me and I will provide webspace. I love this piece of software and the this is the least I can do for not having registered it before it disappeared off the face of the internet.
Lugetsky Dmitry recently contacted me and said he no longer supported coodclip, but said it can be now used without restriction, so if you would like a copy go to my coodclip download page.